Fishing Nets

Among the various tools used in fishing activities, nylon nets are an essential piece of fishing tackle, being one of the most effective ways of catching fish and other aquatic life. It takes great skill to handle, yet choosing the right net makes all the difference. At Cadilhe & Santos we develop high-quality fishing nets that are easy to work with, effective, efficient and highly durable.


Top Quality

High Strength

More resistance, more captures, easier to handle

Each fishing method requires specific equipment for both gear types and fishing techniques. Our range includes fishermen’s nets that are easier to handle and that potentially increase the number of catches.

Manufacture of the following types of net

Our own distinctive manufacture makes this product an indispensable item to satisfy the needs of most fishermen.

Monofilament Nets

Double Knot and Special Knot
We manufacture nylon monofilament nets (polyamide), ranging from 0.28mm to 1.10mm in diameter, with mesh sizes starting from 10mm knot to knot. These threads have a single filament with 15% to 30% elasticity.

Mulfilament Nets

Single Knot, Double Knot, and Special Knot

Nylon 6.0 – High tenacity – Top quality. Multifilament line with high breaking strength and exceptional durability, starting from 10mm mesh knot to knot, available in various colors: brown, black, blue, green, etc. Braided lines offer greater strength than a monofilament of the same diameter.

Multimonofilament Nets

Double Knot and Special Knot
We manufacture nylon multimonofilament nets, ranging from 0.20mm x 4 strands to 0.20mm x 16 strands in diameter, with mesh sizes starting from 10mm knot to knot. It applies to most types of industrial and artisanal fishing.